DeFi (or “used finance”) is an umbrella term for financial services in public blockchains, especially Ethereum and Bitcoin. With DeFi, you can do most of the things that banks support – earn interest, borrow, lend, buy insurance, trade exits, trading assets, and more – but it’s fast and does not require paperwork or third party. Like crypto in general, DeFi is universal, peer-to-peer (literally between two people, not medium-sized distribution), fake, and open to all. 


DeFi is a technology that relies on central financial institutions such as banks, exchanges, and insurance companies. DeFi programs implement distributed compliance by using “smart contracts” on blockchains like Bitcoin. Developers enable smart contracts to perform automatic actions only when certain conditions are met.

As a simple example, you could write a smart contract stating that you will pay $ 500 to someone else if the Mumbai Indians win the IPL this year. Once a smart contract is pressed into a blockchain, everyone in the blockchain network can access and read the code, but no one can change it. Smart contracts are usually the ones that control the applications that are being distributed, and They cannot be owned by an individual or owned by one company or one person. While Ethereum was the first platform to develop smart contracts, other blockchain platforms also use them.

DeFi empowers any two parties to work together safely and directly without the involvement of a mediator. This results in many people accessing financial services at a lower cost or earning better interest than traditional financial institutions.


“It doesn’t matter what you want to accomplish; the DeFi system is the perfect place to do transactions or business with other financial institutions and be greatly benefited from it,” says Hardik Joshi, the Chief Operations Officer at Citrus Tech.

Benefits of the DeFi system include:

  • Extended transparency and security:
    Smart contracts published in the blockchain and all records of completed transactions are available to anyone who can review them. “Blockchains can not be changed.” While users of the DeFi platform benefit from the light and protection provided by blockchain technology, smart contracts are created to protect the privacy of the speaker participants. Public transaction data does not reflect users’ true identities.
  • Availability:
    In a recent interview with Hardik Joshi, the COO of Citrus Tech, regarding the availability factor of DeFi systems, he mentioned that Some people might find it challenging and not open bank accounts to receive a loan. Still, anyone with an Internet connection can access the DeFi platform. That high level of availability means that DeFi transactions take place outside the area limit.
  • Low-interest rates and high-interest rates:
    DeFi empowers any two entities to operate directly. Without a consultant, transaction fees have been significantly reduced, and parties themselves can negotiate direct interest rates. People who lend money through DeFi networks often enjoy higher interest rates than those paid by traditional financial institutions.
  • The anatomy of functions:
    DeFi platforms do not depend on any single financial institution. The financial crisis of 2008 highlights the significant interaction between many banks and governments and highlights the risks involved. Each financial institution that manages the investor’s finances can face hardship or corruption or be over-promoted and declared bankrupt. The low environment of DeFi contracts reduces this risk.


DeFi has created a boom in financial innovation with low payouts and high yields. The fact is that DeFi is changing rapidly. It is a disruptive force that forces traditional financial players to make outdated changes. Startups can close the gap between crypto developers and financial regulators. DeFi banking strengthens the tendencies that exist when services are made automatic, and financial management is highly dependent on technology, workflow management, and arbitrage risk of credit opportunities. Non-DeFi distributed systems are currently not easily accessible for users. On the other hand, the strict security measures set out in DeFi systems prevent money launderers and fraudsters. Performance management and the arbitrage of credit across all systems is almost impossible with non-communicative systems that do not collaborate with one another. With more companies getting access to the DeFi system, it is indeed a shortcut to start a financial heaven.