Reasons why Privacy Coins haven’t taken off

The increased awareness about the crypto space has resulted in  a thriving crypto-economy, where you can now lend, borrow, invest, short/long, earn interest, and more. We’ve now discovered the benefits as well as the differences between decentralised finance (Defi) vs traditional banking systems. We are also aware of various crypto assets such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, and others. Now, this article will discuss the most recent term that we have come across , i.e. ‘Privacy Coins.’  In this post we will tell you what are privacy coins,, how they work, and why they haven’t taken off.

What are Privacy Coins?

Simply put, privacy coins are cryptos that use blockchain technology to conceal transaction data. As a crypto, privacy coins enable private and anonymous blockchain transactions by concealing the source and destination of the transaction. These anonymous cryptos employ techniques such as combining multiple transactions and masking a user’s wallet balance and address to avoid chain analysis. When you use bitcoin, your transaction as well as your identity is visible for public scrutiny as well as to the law enforcement authorities.. This is where privacy-enhancing crypto enters the picture.  Privacy coins hide your identity, allowing you to buy whatever you want.

Why have these privacy coins not taken off?

  1. Money Laundering: BOwing to their ability to engineer financial frauds, such as money laundering g and terrorism funding, for instance, privacy coins are increasingly being targeted by global anti-money laundering (AML) regulators, with many crypto exchanges delisting them from their platforms. So, please exercise caution while dealing with privacy coins and ensure that you adhere to all the applicable laws and regulations in force.
  1. Is it legal?: Yes and no. Depending on the country, the legal status of privacy coins varies. Privacy coins aren’t illegal in the United States. However, the US government is trying to develop tools to lift the veil on private network transactions; this will undermine the  very purpose for which privacy coins were developed at the first place.  It is upto the individual governments to decide whether or not privacy coins are legal. To combat money laundering, the government of South Korea forbids the trading of privacy coins on its crypto exchanges. Some jurisdictions do not endorse private coins,   but they haven’t banned them either. There is currently no regulation or ban on private coins in India.
  1. Privacy is not so easily accessible: Privacy coins have always been the first target for regulatory inquisitions. We’ve seen plenty of privacy crypto asset delistings on the regulatory front in South Korea, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Governments are constantly striving to tighten the noose around privacy coins. Consider how difficult it is to conduct everyday transactions with Monero or Zcash. To protect one’s privacy, both require technical sophistication and they impose a lot of conditions as well.

Private coins have become infamous because they facilitate financial frauds. However, we need to understand that there are other reasons why people use privacy coins Some users, for example, are simply exercising their fundamental financial privacy rights. However, we have seen a jump in the sheer numbers of official agencies that are taking a tough  stance against untraceable digital currencies. Every day, hundreds of thousands of bitcoin transactions take place. Each transaction and the individuals involved are recorded on bitcoin’s blockchain, which anyone can view.  Despite that public figures such as Elon Musk, Naval Ravikant, and Edward Snowden continue to advocate for privacy-focused apps. 


There are a couple of myths surrounding privacy coins. Some people believe that these coins are meant only for criminals, but this is not entirely true.  Private coins are simply for anyone who is dissatisfied with  the way governments and organisations handle personal information. Using a private coin protects you by hiding your wallet information from those attempting to compromise it, which is often the best way to protect your assets from theft or fraud.

Every day, cryptosphere witnesses the emergence of a range of new technologies  ; it’s worthwhile to keep up with them; be it privacy coins or several other crypto assets that you want to explore. It is wise to become acquainted with them all before investing in them. Also, before investing in any asset, you should thoroughly research the aims and roadmap of a particular crypto asset.  You should also consider the value of that  asset. You should ask yourself as to whether  it is attempting something novel that will improve the current options. Then you should decide on what you want to do. 

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